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http://www.100md.com 2018年2月15日 《中国实用医药》 2018年第5期
     [8]Birlea SA, Fain PR, Spritz RA. A Romanian population isolate with high frequency of vitiligo and associated autoimmune diseases. Archives of Dermatology, 2008, 144(3):310.

    [9]Natsch A. The Nrf2-Keap1-ARE toxicity pathway as a cellular sensor for skin sensitizers--functional relevance and a hypothesis on innate reactions to skin sensitizers. Toxicological Sciences An Official Journal of the Society of Toxicology, 2010, 113(2):284.

    [10]Denat L, Kadekaro AL, Marrot L, et al. Melanocytes as instigators and victims of oxidative stress. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2014, 134(6):1512.

    [11]Schallreuter KU, Salem MA, Gibbons NC, et al. Blunted epidermal L-tryptophan metabolism in vitiligo affects immune response and ROS scavenging by Fenton chemistry, part1: Epidermal H2O2/ONOO(-)-mediated stress abrogates tryptophan hydroxylase and dopa decarboxylase activities, leading to low serotonin and melatonin levels. FASEB J, 2012, 26(6): 2457-2470.

    [12]中國中西医结合学会皮肤性病专业委员会色素病学组. 白癜风诊疗共识(2014版). 中华皮肤科杂志, 2014, 47(1):69-71.

    [收稿日期:2017-12-20], http://www.100md.com(宋树玲)
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