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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月15日 马松峰


     【摘要】 目的 研究2009年2月至2010年2月我院门诊儿童多瞬症患者的临床资料,分析治疗小儿异常瞬目症的方法和效果。方法 观察患儿临床表现、治疗方法和疗效,并进行裂隙灯检查、SchirmerⅡ试验、BUT试验。结果 屈光不正141 例(66%),给予指导用眼卫生,综合治疗。两周后症状好转或消失的有135例,1个月后100%患儿症状消失。结、角膜炎56例(26%),其他18例,占总数8%(包括倒睫、眼睑结石等),该74例在去除局部刺激因素后,两周后症状改善或消失者69例,一个月后72例症状改善或消失。结论 近年来频繁瞬目患儿逐渐增多,儿童瞬目症是儿童发育过程中一种生理心理疾病, 其病因、临床表现、疗效等应引起现代眼科医生重视。



    Analysis in 215 cases of childrens a bnormal Blink

    MA Song-feng. The Preparation Room,the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Tecnology,Henan 471003,China


    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate Clinical data of215 pediatric cases of blink in our hospital from May 2007 to May 2009, to find the best treatment. MethodsObserved the children with clinical manifestations, treatment methods and effect,examinations including slit-lamp examination, BUT test and SchirmerⅡtest, et al. Results Refractive errors in 141 cases (66%), mentor with eye health, comprehensive treatment.Symptoms improved or disappeared of the 135 cases after two weeks, 100% of patients symptoms disappeared after one month completely. Keratitis/Conjunctivitis in 56 cases (26%). Other in 18 cases (8%),including Trichiasis/Eyelid stone et al. After the removal of local incentive factors, symptoms improved or disappeared of the 69 cases after two weeks, 72 cases after one month. Conclusion In recent years,the frequent of blinking children cases increased gradually.Frequent blink in children is one of the physiological-psychology diseases during child development process. The studies on the etiology,clinical manifestation, and treatment of the disease should be pay more attention by ophthalmologist.

    【Key words】

    Childrens blink; Treatment;Physical and emotional illness


    1 临床资料

    1.1 一般资料 随机收集2009年2月至2010年2月在我院眼科门诊频繁瞬目患儿215例,男126例,女89例,年龄3.5~13岁,平均6.58岁,起病时间1周~1年。所有患儿均表现为单纯瞬目次数增加,智力正常,排除眼部其他急性病症、多发性抽动症、小儿多动症和其他神经系统疾病患儿。无颜面和全身其他部位的痉挛或抽搐, 无类似疾病的家族史。

    1.2 临床表现 不规则的阵发性眨眼,起病突然或偶被发现, 有一些患儿还有挤眉皱额、吸鼻揉鼻、注意力分散、自我控制力差、多动等表现。大多数患儿有长时间看电视或电脑经历;患儿眼干涩、痒、异物感、烧灼感、视远不清,少数患者伴分泌物较多;常频繁眨眼并揉眼后可舒服。一些患儿可因别人暗示、训斥或注意力过分集中而加重, ......
